How loyal are you?

Faithful. Dedicated. Devoted. Trustworthy. These are all synonyms for Loyal. Being loyal to someone is a critical part of building trust — not only in your relationships, but also in yourself, because every time you choose to be loyal, you are increasing your self-respect. Being loyal means keeping confidences. Defending someone in his or her absence. Being careful not to shame another. Refraining from gossiping. Keeping your word — and being honest. It means sticking by someone even when times are difficult. In short, being loyal is being supportive to another and treating them the way you would like to be treated.

This week’s Challenge: This week, I will focus on being loyal to others in their absence, and I will take note how that affects my self-respect.

Avoiding being Obedient (overuse): While loyalty helps build trust, “blind loyalty” can get you into trouble. Blind loyalty is when you are loyal and obedient without question, even in the face of something unethical. Do you see something “wrong” and need to decide whether to report it? Are you drawn to overlook unethical behavior because of a sense of loyalty to the person(s) responsible? If you start to feel some discomfort about being loyal, then it’s time to recognize that loyalty to a greater group, ideal, or even your own integrity comes first. The reality is that sometimes there is a pecking order to being loyal — in some cases, you must choose to be loyal to one person or ideal at the expense of being loyal to another. Be sure you are prioritizing correctly.

Commendable Trait: Loyal
Underused: Fickle
Overused: Resigned
Strength: Trust
Quadrant: Humanity

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